Most of us try to check guttering routinely for any minor plumbing issues we might be experiencing, but can something as simple as a downpour of heavy rain affect your home plumbing system?
Overflowing drains can be a nuisance for many homeowners. It’s not only time consuming to identify the reason and unblock the drain, but it can also lead to a number of other issues.
Many of us have made the transition from an old-style boiler to a condenser type. Not only do they save money, but they also help to reduce carbon emissions. But do condenser boilers need servicing?
How to understand whether you might have to replace your gas boiler after 2025.
How long does a combi boiler last? We will cover all your questions, how, when, and why, plus tips on how to prolong your boiler’s life.
There’s nothing more inconvenient when you are busy doing the laundry and your dryer stops working! But is it worth fixing a dryer?
If you’re having trouble with your washing machine at home, or you’re just curious about how they work, you might be looking for an answer to this question, and perhaps a way to identify and fix certain issues.
A breakdown of your washing machine is not only inconvenient it can also be a costly one. But when is it time to buy another or is it worth repairing an old washing machine?
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